Showcasing Recent Projects and Case Studies

Step Into Greatness – A Concept Nike Ad

This is a personal project showcasing my 3D animation skills through a conceptual Nike ad, Step Into Greatness. Designed purely for artistic expression, this piece explores motion, form, and high-end visuals, rather than serving as an actual commercial.

At the heart of the animation is a Nike sneaker— The visuals blend dynamic motion, fluid transitions, and premium rendering techniques to create an eye-catching, high-energy sequence.

Sound design by Leo Richter adds depth and impact, enhancing the experience with sharp, tactile audio elements. This project is a testament to pushing creative boundaries in CGI and motion design.


Leo Richter - Sound design

Pflum András - Colorist/ Compositor

János Nyujtó - 3D artist/ Director

Hï Ibiza third-time World’s No. 1 Club

Thanks for watching

In this project, I crafted 8 intricate shots over the course of 6 weeks. If you're looking for top-notch motion design like this, feel free to request a quote.